To set an expiration date on a PDF document
Q: I want to set up a PDF file that has a time limit so after a specified date the document cannot be opened. I want to do this without the expense of the Policy Server.
Can it be done? If yes then where do I go to information in the documentation on how to do it?
Answer: This is a common pdf-drm type of question asked on the web.But people had been struggle to find the answer until MaiPDF DRM came out!
Once a confidential PDF document has been sent out to the others,we want to keep the control of the file,and wish to destroy that file on a certain day or
expired to be not opened after some times.
In MaiPDF, we are offering two ways of PDF sharing. Online and offline.
The way which online DRM means: Upload pdf files (with password or not) to MaiPDF site, and turning that file into a web link or an QR Code, and you can set up your own pdf DRM into that sharing link, you can add “the maximum open times allowed for this pdf file”, “the reading during for each time that file is open”. After that, you can track the result of read.
The way which mean by offine DRM is make your PDF file into a readable HTML file which compatible to all most all the modern browser, reader can open the files in browsers like Chrome Firefox, Edge etc. The offline file is like other expensive DRM supplier do, the file needs to be verified to a validation server through before it can be open.
Let's start with Offline mode firstly
You can use maipdf to turn your pdf into a url or a QR code.
it is free service with drm inside the file.
you can set the reading period and expiration date on that pdf file.
you can also have the ability to track the detailed reading records including who read what at what time, it also including their ip address and reader’s timezone. This technique works like Adobe-DRM or Locklizard-PDC. It takes a pdf file,adding encrytion,adding extra security setting,
then make it into a common .html file in order to work on all kinds of operating system and requring no software installation.
Online version is now easier to understand
In order to let your file share to the other people easier,we offer online sharing method which turning your file into a quick non-ads link.
Though it's online,you can still link your files to restriction settings.Features like downloading, printing, copying are disabled.
Answer to the question: limit time of open:
Sets the number of times the PDF file can be viewed and the length of each viewable duration. It can be set up to 2.1 billion times, and users can set it according to their own needs. It doesn't matter if you are not satisfied with the setting at the beginning, because after generating and sharing, you can still modify the number of times according to the website's modification code, or even replace the files in the link or two-dimensional code